Finesse JigsFinesse Jig Setup (Rod/Reel/Line)Tue, September 7Omnia's Polish Pete takes us to school on his baitcasting finesse jig setup. VideoTop 3 Late Summer TechniquesFri, August 27Polish Pete goes over three of the best late summer bassin' techniques. VideoMegabass Levante Whipsnake Tackle BreakdownTue, July 6The Whipsnake shines in finesse techniques and weightless rigs, so if that's what you're aiming for, check it out. VideoHow to Choose the Right Jig Trailer w/ Seth FeiderFri, June 11Seth goes into detail about what you should consider when choosing your jig trailer, namely movement and water temperature. VideoJig Trailers - Aggressive vs. SubtleWed, January 15Patrick Walters takes us through how he chooses jig trailers for different conditions. Video